Saturday, March 12, 2011

Put That Middle Finger Down Please!!

Ha ha! Got your attention didn't I?  "Buenos Dias"  beautiful people! If you are alive and able to read this, it's already a GREAT day! I'm excited about everything right now for no particular reason. I feel grateful and aware of what life has to offer. I'm challenging YOU to do the same. Don't you dare stick that middle finger up at me and no foul language people. Yes, it's early but I want to get your attention before the hustle of the world beats me to it. As humans, as parents, as employers/employees, etc, we are always busting our butts to do for someone else. Today, however, is all about YOU!

Wherever you are, take the time to whisper a prayer of thanks for your life (no matter how insane it is). Prepare a breakfast made for a king/queen. Actually TASTE & CHEW your food instead of inhaling it. Go outside and really look at the evidence of Spring. All we usually notice in the morning is the number of state troopers we're trying to dodge as we speed our way to work! THERE ARE TREES AND FLOWERS BLOSSOMING AMONG US PEOPLE! Wake up & pay attention. Slooowww down. If you can drown out the bass coming from our teenagers cars, you may even notice the birds chirping. For all you grumpies, put the guns down! The birds are suppose to do that!

In all seriousness, be good to yourself today. Allow yourself to smile. When you feel the need to yell at someone, choose to laugh it off instead. That's a hard one for me too. If you can't get out to do anything, take a few minutes to be alone at home/work. Read a book.Take a nap. Meditate, if you can stay awake. Shave your entire leg ladies instead of just the bottom half! LOL! Clip a nail or two guys. I'm sure a girl somewhere would appreciate it. Whatever you choose to do, just remember to live in that moment. Don't allow your mind to wander off to plans for next week or the dinner you're making for tomorrow.  And by all means, when someone says "good morning", return the gesture and keep those middle fingers down!! I know you can do it. ENJOY!

                                                                                            Love ya,

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